3 Nov 2019

The story of LTCM: Can we blame financial models for market crashes?

“If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor.” – Albert Einstein

Since hundreds of years, academics in the field of the philosophy of science among the globe discuss on the trade-off between simplicity and detailedness of theoretical models and mathematical equations. Theories on this question date back to middle ages like the famous law of parsimony, also called Occam’s razor, stating that the most obvious and simplest solution is mostly the correct one and therefore, theoretical models should be kept as straightforward as possible. On the other hand, many scientists, like Einstein in my entrance quote, oppose this kind of view and are convinced that the truth is way too complex and therefore mostly not possible to be described in efficient and simple formulas (Ironically this is coming from the man who delivered the mathematical proof for “e=mc²”, maybe the most known and elegant equation in the world).

Especially relating to modern financial theory, commonly used and accepted models among academics and professionals like the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) that build the cornerstone of finance as an econometric exercise (Dempsey, 2013) are under severe critique of being oversimplified and not applicable at all. Arguments that underpin this critique highlight false CAPM assumptions like observable market inefficiencies.  Besides CAPM, one of the most popular but also heavily criticised and furthermore Nobel Prize winning financial theories is known as the Black-Scholes Model (BS). Published in 1973 by Fischer Black, Myron Scholes and Robert Merton, the three economists claimed to have found a way to value option prices correctly and therefore creating the possibility to eliminate risk completely by using dynamical hedging strategies. Nonetheless, also Black and Scholes elegant equation was constrained by several key assumptions creating the same trade-off problem between parsimony and detailedness.

I asked myself several times during my studies of quantitative finance and economics: Are there any real-life consequences of the application of models with insufficient assumptions? Or is it enough that the people and the markets unitary believe in them, creating self-fulfilling prophecies. One case in history might indicate where the boundaries of financial modelling are and how these insufficiencies could affect everyone, being way worse than CAPM and poorly calculated benchmarks for managers or inappropriate discount factors (Dempsey, 2013).

The instance refers to the already mentioned Myron Scholes and Robert Merton. In 1994, years after their publication of the Black-Scholes Model, the 2 academics and a Hedge Fund manager named John Meriwether decided to operate on the global markets on their own and founded Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM). Within a few months, the team raised 3 billion dollars (Barbu, 1999) as investors were almost proud to give their money to 3 of the most popular luminaries in finance. The fund managers invested mainly in options in the field of Fixed-Income Arbitrage by applying the same dynamical hedging approach they used in their model.  In the following 3 years, LTCM generated an exorbitant return after costs between 30% and 40% per year (Barbu, 1999) and it seemed like the impossible had happened namely that science had cracked the code of the financial markets by using mathematics.  
Figure 1. $1000 investment in LTCM . Reprinted from
Wikipedia, by R. Lowenstein, 2000, https://en.wikipedia.org/

Although, it came different as the Russian financial crisis of 1998 hit the global markets completely unexpected. Investors all over the world reallocated their capital in the safest way possible, mainly in securities like US Treasury Bills. The consequences were an increase in the spread between interest rate swap derivatives and their underlying Treasury Bonds – the exact opposite way to LTCM’s investments. The hedge fund began to lose hundreds of millions every day till their liabilities reached an unimaginable amount of $1.25 (Barbu, 1999) trillion causing the possibility of a collapse of the global financial markets.
Lastly, the markets did not crash as the USA organised the biggest bail out of history prior to the 2007 financial crisis, nonetheless, the story of LTCM raised many questions concerning the reasons how one single company could create a systemic risk of this scale and what role the financial models like Black-Scholes played in this context.

A main implication of the simplicity of models like BS and CAPM is the common usage among finance professionals. One could say that this is a good thing because not applicable models are worthless in real life. On the other hand, models that are followed by everyone and finally turn out to be wrong lead to much greater downturns as everyone is betting on the wrong horse. The major problem that occurs when people criticise the utilisation of financial and econometrical models is in my opinion the lack of alternatives. I doubt if it would be truly socially desirable if we could force traders to stop listening to academics and let them invest only because of their gut feelings and instincts. Moreover, the dystopian idea of stopping academics research in order to prevent investors from using their ideas would be even worse, leading to a complete standstill of human and social development. Whereas what we need instead of thoughtless criticism of mathematics is the efficient regulation of markets through legislation to prevent excessive risk-taking, illegal exploitation of asymmetric information distributions and all the other cases where markets fail to regulate on their own.

Having analysed the downfall of Long-Term Capital Management, a company that could not even be managed by 2 of the greatest minds in modern economics, makes me even look more critical on financial theories like CAPM and their assumptions. Professors all over the world teach about the models’ limitations, but the excessive usage of them makes the students, me included, often forget about the obvious imperfections. Although, I am in the opinion that academic models are an important cornerstone for modern investment management, as long as they are not applied thoughtless and get steadily falsified and improved as academics gain more and more knowledge every day.

Barbu, G. (Director). (1999). Horizon – The Midas Formula [Motion Picture]. United Kindom: BBC. Retrieved from https://learningonscreen.ac.uk/
Dempsey, M. (2013). The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM): The History of a Failed Revolutionary Idea in Finance? Abacus, 49, 7-23. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com

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